Sunday 13 September 2009

Haddenham Steam Rally

Well, this is going to be quite a hard blog to write. The main reason being that the whole point of going this year was to see Dunx and his embryo band playing in the (rather tiny) FenJam tent. And play they did. Ro took a video and now all I want is to upload it. Sigh ...

In the meantime, there are some great pix of prettily painted tractor wheels, handsome shire horses, steam engines (duh!) and so on.

Strange how exhausting it is being at Haddenham way above sea level. Haddenham is part of the Isle of Ely, so it is ooh about 300ft above the sea? Anyway, the wind whistles about and the announcer NEVER shuts up, so it's pretty hard on the head.

Here is the video, straight from YouTube. Dunx wrote the song, and it's called "Invincible". A classic break-up number, I'd say!

In fact what I am really supposed to be doing is reading Willa Cather's My Ántonia for a reading group tomorrow. A gorgeous book so far. I think I'd like to go to Nebraska now and lose myself in the tall wine-red grasses.