Thursday, 6 August 2009

Let's Get Going!

Well, I've been keeping a diary of my rather technical doings for some time now, do it would be useful to summarize now and again. To give some relief from webstuff boredom, I think I'll add a picture of something beautiful every day. This will get me out and taking pictures even if only in the garden! Otherwise I'd spend all my time in Starbucks.

Yesterday and today I have been grappling with the open source-ish AJAX Control Toolkit, specifically with the Calendar extender. Very nice little widget that pops up under a textbox so you can choose a date. Trouble is, it has preset css. So if, for example, you have set your font size a bit big, the calendar won't fit into its predefined space. In my case I lost Friday and Saturday. To make any changes to the CSS, I could find no other solution than to replace most of it (it ignores little bits). I copied suggestions from a site called Top54. Written last month, so up-to-date. I now have a large mass of extra class definitions in my CSS. Haven't they heard of the cascade? I also have a largeish date chooser with colours from my website and a rather wonky pair of substitute next/prev arrows.

Wierd how much time such seemingly little problems can eat up, eh?

The image today is two of our first crop of damsons. We've had the tree 3-4 years now and finally we see them. Gorgeous colour and bloom! With any luck at least one pot of dark crimson jam to come.

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